The Nintendo 2DS - Enemy Slime

The Nintendo 2DS

Play new 3D in brand new 2D.


The headline’s not a joke.

You are now able to buy yourself the new Nintendo 2DS. It’s the Nintendo 3DS, with no 3D. It will also play all your favorite 3DS games! Only you know, with no 3D.

For those not familiar with the Nintendo 3DS, there is a slider that lets you control the handheld’s stereoscopic screen, allowing you to basically play in 2D whenever you like.

So what’s the deal with the 2DS then?

Seems to be a more affordable price point at $129.99, compared to the 3DSXL’s $199. However in dropping another 30 dollars you can just get yourself the original 3DS, or if you’ve waited this long wait for a price drop. Then there’s always finding it used on say, eBay. However it does at least seem to make a slightly cheaper costing system widely available to more people.

Plus how else would you play in Nintendo’s amazing 2D-O-Vision?

The system is due out October 12th.