Thief’s PC Release Horribly Bungled; Game Unplayable for Many - Enemy Slime

Thief’s PC Release Horribly Bungled; Game Unplayable for Many

This is why play testing is so important, kids.


With many PC folks hotly anticipating Thief’s PC release, many-perhaps thousands-now can’t play the game.

Stuttering, freezing, and frame rates around 5 frames per second (at best) all plague those affected by this particular issue, leaving the game crippled and unplayable including for myself, who was scheduled to play and review the game for Enemy Slime. I witnessed with my own eyes in the last 24 hours as this issue started as a murmur and has grown to an epidemic. You can’t go anywhere on the Steam Community Hub for Thief without seeing at least one thread about it.

The one common thread is that everyone who reports this issue has a dual core processor; this shouldn’t be a problem however, as the game doesn’t have much going on, and this stutter even occurs on the main menu where one could argue that nothing is happening at all. Besides, dual core processors are included in the game’s requirements on the Steam store page.

Some users have offered solutions such as disabling V-Sync and using the 32-bit executable, but we can confirm that these do not fix the issue after trying it for ourselves as well as following up with others who we confirmed have the same issue.

Despite being the single largest issue plaguing the game right now, neither Eidos or Square Enix have commented about it. We also don’t know when or if the game will be patched, but we’ll keep everyone up to date as this catastrophe rolls along.