So I’m sitting here with Bravely Default, waiting for the Wildstar Launch to start when I notice that it’s about half an hour past launch time.
No big deal I say. Launch problems? In my MMO? It’s more likely than you think! I’ll give them an hour and go make some snacks. Nope, no launch. Unfortunately, it seems that Wildstar is being DDoSed by some ne’er do well in the deepest darks of the Internets.
Once I was able to get through the network timeouts, I was greeted by a fun little queue.
Is it a competitor? Random trolls looking for a target to attack while being bored? The Encyclopedia Dramatica IRC? No, we’re just lurking in there, so don’t look at me.
Thankfully, the 5 hour queue was pushed aside when other servers came up. Guess I’ll head to the RP server and hope it turns into WoW’s Moon Guard.
You heard me.
Servers seem to be stabilizing, but it seems that a smooth (by comparison) head start was marred by trickery and buttfickery.
That’s a term now.
While we wait for a whodunnit, have a DDoS map.