Wolfenstein: The New Order Reveals Beefy System Requirements - Enemy Slime

Wolfenstein: The New Order Reveals Beefy System Requirements

Whether you're playing on console or PC Wolfenstein has some mighty hefty demands.


Today Bethesda revealed some new information regarding its upcoming Wolfenstein sequel including the game’s PC system requirements. Hold onto your hats kids The New Order ain’t just gonna play on any 386.

  • 64-bit Windows 7/Windows 8
  • Intel Core i7 or equivalent AMD
  • 4 GB System RAM
  • 50 GB free HDD space
  • GeForce 460, ATI Radeon HD 6850
  • High Speed Internet Connection
  • Steam account and activation required

The insistence on an i7 processor is particularly eyebrow raising as most games aren’t usually that CPU intensive and a high-end i5 can even beat out a low end i7 in some cases. While it likely won’t be a problem for most people it also doesn’t bode well for people still stuck with only two cores in their processor.

This isn’t the first time that a game has come out with ridiculous specs to in theory fit into the next-gen console world. Thief didn’t advertise needing a quad core processor, but a lot of people, our own staff included found themselves having a hell of a time getting it to work without one. You might also remember back when Call of Duty: Ghosts made some pretty steep hardware requests only for the game to later be demoed running on much lower hardware with just the tweak of some system files.

Now you might be wondering, are those “minimum” or “recommended” system requirements? Bethesda doesn’t come right out and say it but their staff account left this nugget in the blog’s comments:

They are the system requirements are based on the game being a next-generation experience running at 60fps. These are the system requirements to deliver the PC game as it was intended to be experienced.

Console gamers are obviously going to have an easier time but that doesn’t mean that the game doesn’t ask a lot of them as well. Xbox One and PS4 users will be looking at a 48 GB install in order to play the game. So if you’re doing your math, yeah, Wolfenstein will use just under 10% of your brand new console’s total hard drive space.

But perhaps most incredibly inconvenient of all is the 360 release which will require an 8 GB install and ship on four separate discs.

It might be one thing if this was the most beautiful game I’d ever laid eyes on but the kicker is I don’t even think it came out of the oven looking all that hot. What do you think? Does this game look like it actually needs 50 GB of your hard earned storage.

Source: http://www.bethblog.com/2014/05/01/system-requirements-for-wolfenstein/