Podcast Episode 56: The Walking Dead Ultimate Spoilercast - Enemy Slime

Podcast Episode 56: The Walking Dead Ultimate Spoilercast

"I don't know much about you folks, but you keep goin' on like this, and that girl ain't gonna make it."


It’s rare that we all get a chance to play the same game, and it’s even more rare that we all enjoy it, but one such rarity is TellTale’s The Walking Dead. In our longest podcast ever we review every choice presented to us over the course of the game’s two seasons and then try to explain why we made the horrible decisions that we did. If you haven’t finished The Walking Dead yet, this definitely isn’t a podcast you should listen to, we are going to spoil absolutely everything about the comic, the tv show, the game, and anything else that could be related.


Opening Theme By Chris Sinnott