Podcast Episode 92: Wendingo Pranks - Enemy Slime

Podcast Episode 92: Wendingo Pranks

And the lord forgave man of all his sins, for he knew they were just pranks.


Tonight we are joined with a very special guest, Mr. Josh Sutphin, creator of Legacy of the Elder Star, and one of the founders of the Utah Games Guild. Before getting into the real meat of Josh’s game and the Utah indie scene, we touch on Mario Maker, the raw sexuality of Amiibos, Until Dawn’s many failures, and the grand success that is Alone In The Dark Illumination.

If you’re looking to avoid Until Dawn spoilers, or just want to hear Josh talk you can skip on ahead to the 26 minute mark.


You can help get Legacy of the Elder Star Greenlit here, and assist with their Kickstarter here.

And you can learn more about the Utah Games Guild here.


Opening Theme By Chris Sinnott