Nobody was mad when they saw Marth once more in Smash Bros. But it did raise the question as to why he and Ike were included once more while the new characters introduced in last year’s very well received Fire Emblem Awakening were omitted.
Well now fans of Lucina, Chrom, and the avatar from Awakening can rest easy as they’re all finally confirmed to be in the game (in one form or another). The video below also reveals that Captain Falcon will once more be featured, but c’mon, you didn’t really think they’d get rid of him.
It’s hard to tell at this point whether or not Lucina has an entirely unique moveset or will borrow some from Marth. The actions displayed in the trailer seem to imply she’ll mostly just be a re-skin though.
The Avatar who will go by their canon name of Robin for the game will be playable in both their male and female iterations.
You’ll also notice that if you visit the Smash Bros website Chrom is not listed as a playable character despite what you might have assumed from the trailer. At this point it’s looking like Chrom is actually going to serve as Robin’s final smash instead of a full blown character.
Smash Bros is still lined up for a Holiday 2014 release with the 3DS version slated for October 3rd.