Relic Hunters Zero is a simple game with a simple premise: There are some cool artifacts of power on a space asteroid and you want to get them. Unfortunately an insidious race of human/duck hybrids also want those relics and they got there...
I missed The Bridge when it was initially released. The game originally landed on the Xbox 360 and PC clear back in 2013 and garnered a decent dose of critical praise and awards in the process. Now here we are two years later, and if you...
Myst was not a scary game, but that didn't stop it from making me feel uneasy when I was younger. I don't know that I'd describe the game as frightening but there was something about the abandoned world that really put me on edge while...
Klei's Invisible Inc. is what happens when you play some Barry Manilow, light a few candles, pour a glass of silky wine and put XCOM and Shadowrun in a room together. The love baby that follows nine months later is an exquisite blend of...
I'm in a Yurt on a Mongolian hillside. We're not in 2015 anymore, a fact given away by the lifeless android woman resting on the table next to me while I work. What am I working on? Well I'm cutting up fruit so I can prepare breakfast for...
Pen and Paper RPG's have always been reliable properties to adapt into video games. Dungeons and Dragons, the White Wolf games, and Warhammer all have been digitized at some point, and while a lot of the adaptations are certainly sub-par,...
Devolver Digital brings us a turn based action stealth game by the name of RONIN. Where you play a biker helmet wearing ninja out for everyone's most favorite of favorite refreshing plots *drum roll* REVENGE. RONIN kind of apes the...
When Jared asked me to review Rocket League I responded with snark and skepticism. Granted, anyone that listens to our podcast knows that antagonizing the boss is something of a past-time here at Enemy Slime, but I was legitimately...
Procedurally generated games are such an intoxicating premise - The idea that you can start up a game and have an adventure that no one has ever had and never will is a draw that will kindle a sense of giddy excitement in me every time....
So to start this off if you're one of them thar folk that don't think Gone Home is a game or that Visual Novels are a waste of time, then you need read no further. Her Story bills itself as an interactive story and it really delivers no...