Code of Ethics
- We will never impose requirements for how much content is posted daily. A post will never be created on this site simply because “we needed a post for the day”.
- We will do our best not to generate a story or create controversy where none exists. Existing controversy in the industry will be treated with equal parts bemusement and shenanigans.
- We are not journalists, but we will attempt to adhere strongly to the standards of journalism, including exercising objectivity, fact checking, and reporting back industry related information that concerns the interested consumer.
- If we have an opinion regarding a certain matter, we will attempt to clearly state in the article this is our subjective point of view and if we stretch too far off topic, that will be reserved for clearly defined opinion editorials.
- We will only report on topics as they pertain to the industry of interests. If there is a need we will build other sections (television, anime) however this is a website about video games, and we will stay on topic whenever possible. Stories of interests will only be posted if they pertain to something that majorly affects the industry and the consumer, otherwise we are here to report on video game software and hardware.
- Though our site will rely on advertisements as a primary source of revenue we will do our best to keep the content from being intrusive or completely disconnected from the reader’s sphere of interests.
- Advertisers will never have any input in regards to the site’s content.
- Unless otherwise noted, all game reviews are done on retail code purchased by ourselves.