Nintendo Skips This Year’s E3 press Conference Opting For A Digital Show Instead - Enemy Slime


For the second year in a row, Nintendo has announced that it will skip the live media briefing at this year’s E3, and will instead opt for a digital unveiling of its new games and any announcements made during E3. This digital event is set to air on June 10th at 9 am PST In addition to this, Nintendo will also renew its partnership with Best Buy, making the upcoming Super Smash Brothers. playable at a number of different Best Buy stores across the United States. Super Smash Bros. will also be the focus of the presence that Nintendo will have at the event this year. The company has rented out a booth to host a Super Smash Brothers Invitation Tournament, in which 16 players will compete for supremacy. The tournament will also allow players to measure their skills online.

It really makes sense for Nintendo to market their announcements directly to their consumers rather than relying solely on the press to spread their message, and they will get coverage regardless of whether they are at E3 physically anyway. It is also a much cheaper way to reach an audience than having Nintendo executives flown from Japan in order to attend the show. While I am sure that there will be many memorable moments this year, though, I can’t help but feel a little sorry we will be missing the hallowed stage show that brought us such joy as finding out the status of Reggie’s body.

For more details, you can check this official Nintendo announcement: