Bethesda Unveils BattleCry for 2015 - Enemy Slime

Bethesda Unveils BattleCry for 2015

It's an online, third person, free to play action title designed to run on micro transactions.


Bethesda’s Battlecry Studios has announced BattleCry, an online third person team versus team action game in the same vein as Team Fortress. The game features greatly stylized art, and in the trailer, it depicts the conflict between two opposing sides/factions; the Cossacks and the Royal Marines.

BattleCry’s concept involves the removal of guns from the arena, giving players the option to use melee and ranged attacks as they see fit or find more comfortable. Of course, the game will feature a variety of classes, from tanks, to dps focused attackers to snipers so that each player will find a character that suits theirs style.

It is interesting that the game will be use a free to play structure. This makes me wary, as Neoseeker said that micro transactions will play a major part of the game, allowing the player to get iron, which is used to purchase more content. These should be only cosmetic items, but the game is set for release in 2015, and a lot of things can change before then.

I am not opposed to free to play games that feature micro transactions to open up additional cosmetic options. I have also seen developers and publishers that seem to hold back content that feels that should otherwise be available. Still, BattleCry looks like it might be an interesting take on a common genre, and worth keeping an eye on.