Murdered: Soul Suspect Developer Closes Their Doors - Enemy Slime

Murdered: Soul Suspect Developer Closes Their Doors

Airtight Games rides into the sunset.


If you listened to today’s podcast you might have heard that Lucio isn’t too keen on Murdered: Soul Suspect. Unfortunately Lucio doesn’t seem to be alone and it’s never a good sign when a game that was released just a couple weeks ago shows up in a Steam sale with a 20 dollar discount.

Airtight Games hasn’t had an easy last few years. Their 2010 Sci-Fi adventure game, Dark Void, was met with critical disdain and while 2012’s Quantum Conundrum made some waves with its Portal-esque gameplay, it ultimately didn’t turn out to be the big hit the studio likely hoped it would be. Now Murdered’s critical and financial reception seem to have been the last straw for the developer.

The folks over at Geek Wire made their way over to the company’s Redmond-based headquarters today to find that an office equipment blowout sale was the new resident. The company had already suffered some “necessary restructuring” back in April with the laying off of 14 or so employees, there was probably some hope that Murdered would right the ship, but unfortunately it just wasn’t meant to be.

Airtight management is yet to comment on the situation, and nobody seems to be able to get ahold of anyone from the organization. Here’s to hoping the company’s 50+ employees all land safely on their feet.