Hands On With Fucktionary - Enemy Slime

Hands On With Fucktionary

You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking.

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Cunt. There, I think that scared away all the prudes. Now we, the folks with an affinity for bad language, can talk about the new card game Fucktionary.


Fucktionary has the esteemed privilege of being the only board game to be covered on this site. When we started Enemy Slime two years ago our guiding principle was that we would make a site about video games and while I think for the most part we’ve fulfilled that goal (movie related podcasts aside) I enjoyed the concept behind this game so much that I couldn’t let it slide by without giving it some attention.

Players familiar with Balderdash will instantly know what to do with Fucktionary but for the uninitiated I’ll provide a walkthrough. One player draws a card which contains an obscure word (often slang) and the definition. The player reads just the word to the group and everyone attempts to come up with a definition that seems fitting. Once everyone has submitted their custom definitions the leader reads each one and gives everyone at the table a chance to guess which one is the real answer and then awards points to the people who get it right and the people who managed to trick others with their answers.


And so, if like me, you trade in expletives the way a spice merchant might trade in saffron you can probably already see what a good time we can be having here. Polite company should probably sit this one out, this is a game that you should only play with your parents if you also want to talk to them about dick cheese.

So there’s obviously a comparison to be made here to Cards Against Humanity, at least in terms of tone. Is it a better game? In some ways yes, and in some ways no. Fucktionary allows and inspires players to be much more creative and expressive than CaH, but that does come at the cost of replayability. The cards in Fucktionary can be somewhat memorable, and once you’ve used them you may find that they can’t really be used effectively a second time. Also if you’re playing with a particularly crass group like I did, you may find that occasionally someone will draw a card that a majority of the players already knew the definition to.

These definitions don't feature nearly enough necrophilia to have come from a real play session.

These definitions don’t feature nearly enough necrophilia to have come from a real play session.

Fucktionary comes with everything you need to jump start your terrible potty mouth. The game includes 300 definition cards (each featuring a single word), pencils for four players, a custom scorecard (though you’ll be just fine using regular paper once they run out), and plenty of small slips to write your definitions on.

I played the game twice with two groups of people and had a pretty great time with both runs. One of the other people playing enjoyed the game so much they picked up a set right after we were done. If it sounds like your kind of thing you can look into Fucktionary more at their official website.