You might not remember this but TellTale Games used to be a happier company. Before The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us shot the company to the top of the AAA stratosphere with their grim and depressing worlds, TellTale was better...
UbiSyndrome - This is a new term I'm coining - UbiSyndrome: A gaming narrative in which the core parts underwhelm the player but all optional content turns out to be entertaining and enjoyable. UbiSyndrome. Use it in a sentence?...
Oh Assassin's Creed, I've always been your defender, the one who totally didn't mind the yearly releases and the frequent lack of evolution or ingenuity inherent to your system. But every fanboy must have their breaking point, and even a...
Conflict makes for good video games, and nothing says conflict like a good old fashioned war, so it's no surprise that a lot of games deal with the subject. War doesn't just make for good video games, it's a setting heavily utilized...
Do you feel stupid? No? Would you like to feel stupid? Zengrams is here to help. This minimalist geometric puzzler from Andreas Boye and publisher GameBlyr is releasing on iOS today with the sole intent of crippling your brain with its...
I love me some horror, absolutely eat it up. With parents that allowed child-me to inappropriately stay up late and watch movies such as Child's Play and Halloween whilst gifting me with survival horror titles such as Resident Evil 2 and...
Mobile gaming is probably in the top three list of the biggest disappointments in my life within the past five years, right below the realization that I will never play in the World Cup and Paulo Cohelo's Aleph. Mobile gaming started...
If you haven't heard of Poland based game developers "The Astronauts" yet, it's quite possible you know the studio's founders from their past projects under the moniker "People Can Fly". If it's still not ringing a bell these are the...
A.R.E.S. is a love letter to the old school sidescroller with enough of its own freshness thrown in to not feel derivative. EX serves as a kind of directors cut to the earlier A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda, with added stages, bosses and...
The Avatar universe has not fared well in adaptations. Outside of the original shows and the comics, most other properties that have stemmed from the series have been mediocre at best, and abysmal at worst (I'm looking at you M. Night...