FCC Announces Revisions To Proposed Net Neutrality Rules - Enemy Slime

FCC Announces Revisions To Proposed Net Neutrality Rules

A step in the right direction, but let's be sure of what the new rules say before getting excited.


According to the Wall Street Journal, (you can read a second hand report here if you don’t want to pay the fee for the WSJ) Tom Wheeler, current chairman of the FCC, will revise the current rules after a negative reaction from the announcement made last month. The new proposal would have language built into it to prevent Internet Service Providers from charging companies extras to provide preferential access. The changes would also include protections for businesses and start ups that require access to the internet, including an ombudsman whose role would be to ensure these rules are adhered to, and who will have the authority to enforce them.

It is too early to declare victory, however, as the article also claims that the new rules will still not differ greatly from the ones proposed last month. It is entirely possible that this is just some maneuver to look like they are addressing complaints, while still doing what they planned to begin with. The only way to ensure that you are ok with the rules is to make sure you stay alert and read them once they are out.

In the meantime, if you wish to contact the FCC and your representatives to tell them what you think of the legislation, you can find their contact information on the links below.

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